Interlude: Interested in aid worker fiction? Check these out!

AWV Interlude (re-edited and enhanced 3Aug16) Interested in aid worker fiction?  Check these out! Aid worker fiction? That we can -and should- learn much about the world through art, to me, is self evident, and the sub-set of art represented by fiction writing is certainly no exception.  Using the vehicle of fiction, writers are frequently able to tell compelling stories that capture and convey essential truths about complex subject matter.  They present these insights in a way that resonates with and informs readers in a manner that makes an impact beyond what is possible through non-fiction alone.  Good fiction writers do not simply spin tales that merely amuse or detract us from reality.  Quite the opposite, with their words they sometimes present a more textured and nuanced view of life, love and sociocultural complexities. And so it is with the humanitarian fiction of J, the consummate sector ‘insider’    Out now or coming soon is … Continue reading Interlude: Interested in aid worker fiction? Check these out!